ЛЕНИНСКИЕ ГОРЫ Д.1, СТР. 6|Посмотреть на карте

проекты лаборатории

Pulsating Aurora Imaging Photometers System

The system is based on two lens telescopes with a matrix of multianode photomultiplier tubes as photodetectors placed in two high latitude observatories of the Polar Geophysical Institute: Lovozero and Verkhnetulomskaya. Telescopes provide simultaneous observations of a large volume of the atmosphere at altitudes in the range 50–100 km with high temporal resolution (up to 2.5 μs) and a spatial resolution of about 2 km. This is a novel system for pulsating aurora study aimed to determine the energies of precipitating electrons responsible for the pulsating aurora occurrence.

Left: observatories at Kola peninsula for PsA observations equipped with PAIPS photometers. VTL – Verkhnetulomsky observatory, LOZ – Lovozero observatory. Right: schematic view of photometers FOVs. Dashed blue lines indicate individual FOVs of three photodetector modules of the LOZ photometer.

  1. Instruments description.
  2. Project publications.
  3. UV-microbursts.
  4. Quik-look data (lightcurves, spectrograms and keograms).
  5. Track events.


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Экспедиция на Арагац 12.06.2024

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Совещание коллаборации JEM-EUSO


C 2 по 6 декабря в Токио пройдет очередное, 26-е совещание международной коллаборации JEM-EUSO. От лаборатории в нем примут участие Павел Климов и Александр Белов, а также по скайпу с докладами выступят Сергей Шаракин и Михаил Зотов.